Thursday, September 29, 2016

PE2: Goal Statement


My goals for this semester: 

1. To be able to speak Japanese in a more natural way, like a native speaker. When I practice during class I have to stop and form the sentences in my head before I speak. I want to reach the point where I can carry a simple conversation without having to think so deliberately about what to say.

2. To work on my handwriting and the accuracy of my hiragana/katakana//kanji. 

3. To just improve little by little everyday in reading, writing, typing, speaking, listening, and studying Japanese!

But how am I going to accomplish these goals?

By doing the following:

Trying to go to each 先生's office hours at least once (and hopefully a lot more!) every month with questions I might have about anything Japanese-related, whilst trying to speak as little English as I possibly can.

Taking the time to go over mistakes in my homework and really drill the corrections into my head.

Going to the 日本後のテーブル at least every other week, but hopefully a lot more than that! 

Watching Youtube videos about anything related to Japan, and trying to post something interesting to my blog once a week.

Watching a Japanese movie once a month! (forcing myself to have a productive study break)

Going over my notes and the PPTs from classes and repeating whatever questions and exercises we practiced. 

My goals and the means by which I'll accomplish these goals aren't very difficult, but I know that at times I really won't want to practice or watch an anime or go to language tables because I'm feeling lazy. Hopefully I stay consistent and dedicated to these goals and accomplish them by the end of the semester! 

1 comment:

  1. We have similar goals! It's good to see you reflect on yourself like this, I hope the two of us achieve what we set out for. See you in Japanese tables! (Push yourself to go they're really fun!) I also needed a recommendation for an anime to potentially watch, so thanks for that idea haha
