I hope you are all doing well. I am still kind of shaken by the せんきょ and how the results have turned out, but I hope that we will not be overcome by fear and doubt, and keep on fighting for this country.
As I look at my PE Goal Statement from the beginning of this semester, I see that I have not accomplished very much. One of my goals is to speak Japanese in a more natural way, and I wanted to accomplish that goal by going to office hours and the 日本語のテーブル, but I've only been to しばた先生’s office hours once and went to the 日本後のテーブル for the first time yesterday. Although my pronunciation is good when I repeat after what the 先生s say or do shadowing exercises for PE, when I went to the 日本後のテーブル, I had so many awkward pauses and couldn't formulate my sentences well. But, that gives me all the more motivation to show up more often and sign up for office hours.
I am going to modify my goal statement because I've never completed the Attack on Titan goal even once. Ever since I arrived on カンパス I haven't watched any テレビ whatsoever because I've been too busy/felt too guilty just sitting down and watching something for purely entertainment purposes for an extended period of time, so I think it would be more realistic for me to just look at Youtube videos about Japanese culture and/or language, and try to post something interesting on my blog once a week.
みなさん、we are halfway through this semester. I hope you all are accomplishing your goals, both inside and outside of our 日本語のじゅぎょう。