For some reason, it feels like I haven't done that many PE assignments this semester, but the few I have done have varied greatly in difficulty and how much I've enjoyed them. I think the semester started out well, with my shadowing of the poem from kizuna311 and then the singing of one of the RADWIMPS songs from 君の名は, but then there are PE exercises I've done like the free conversation with ウィットテーカーさん (that unfortunately got lost/didn't upload for some reason) that weren't the best, and revealed to me that one of my weaknesses in terms of pronunciation and prosody is just small talk/natural conversation. Besides that, from the feedback I have been getting, it seems like my overall pronunciation is fine, with a few pitch errors here and there.
But I'd like to take this time to revise my PE goals for this semester, since there were a lot of goals that weren't PE-related, and I've also learned more about my weaknesses in terms of pronunciation and speaking. The main revisions are that I have taken out everything that is not PE-related, and added the goals to become better at free conversation and casual speech. These are both very difficult for me, casual speech especially, but now that I am more aware that these are my weaknesses, I hope that I will make more of an effort to practice these things and get better at them in what is left of this semester.